of Giancarlo Rocca


Why does the "Path néocatéchuménal" have approved summer if a lot of bishops in Italy, including mine, expressed themselves in a very critical manner in his/her/its consideration?

Antonio C. - BRESCIA

The bishops who are expressed themselves in a critical manner opposite the "Path néocatéchuménal" in Italy are numerous: of those of Piedmont (1981) to those of Lombardy and Umbria (1986); considerable is also the intervention of the bishop of Brescia, mons. Bruno Foresti in 1986, published in 1987 in the bulletin of the curie. The bishops of Novara were added then (mons. Aldo Del Monte in 1987), of Trieste (mons. Lorenzo Bellomi in 1989), of Turin, (card. Saldarini in 1995), of Florence (card. Piovanelli), of Foligno (in 1995), of Palermo (card. Pappalardo in 1996), the bishops of the Puglies in 1996, of Vicenza (mons. Nonis in 1997), of Catania and Modena.

It is necessary to specify the mode with which the consultant Pontifical for the laymen approved, June 29, 2002, the Statute of the "Path néocatéchuménal." It is about a temporary approval, as papal practice. It means that something could be corrected before the definitive approval. Besides, with the approval, the church recognizes in the Path a capable itinerary for the formation and the permanent education in the Christian faith, no an instrument for the Christian initiation of the adults that gets ready to receive the baptism. Letting, however, to the vicar, (art. 6) 1a liberty to decide to introduce or no the Path in parish, and to the bishop, (art. 2) recognizes the duty of direction. The approval of the Statute guarantees that the catéchèses of Kiko and Carmen (of which have been examined 11 of the 13 volumes presented to the Holy Seat) are unscathed of dogmatic mistakes and can be used for the communities néocatéchuménales and the deepening of the Christian life.

To the profit, however, one must say the bishops who had shown their puzzlement opposite the Path: - the exam of the thought of Kiko and Carmen has been made on the volume of Orientations to the teams of catechists for the phase of conversion and on duplicated others, always insufficient with regard to the desire to know what Kiko and Carmen think. The volume of Orientations, known by the means of a lot of photocopies collects the catéchèses of Kiko and Carmen, and to say that they don't cause any puzzlements is an euphemism. In fact, one knows that the volumes examined by the Community for the doctrine of the faith don't correspond to the Orientations in circulation, because they have been corrected and, not being yet published, we don't know how and in what sense. In other words, Orientations, even though they are used by the catechists of the Path, don't represent the true thought of Kiko and Carmen;

While approving the Path, the consultant Pontifical recognized the essential goodness of it, but he also stopped the critiques of the bishops, that from now and should submit their possible reserves in the future to the Council Pontifical for the laymen. This one, could not take account of the more of 16 thousand communities scattered in the world after all, of the more of 700 formed priests in the seminaries diocesan Redemptoris Mater, and of the more of 4 thousand religious vocations. It is why we wish to the Path to be able to solve to best the uncertainties caused during these years.


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