Analysis critical of a part of the interview that kiko gave to the newspaper Catholic 30 days in November 1997

In fact this analysis of proposes them of kiko him even came me following the repetitive speech of the partisans of the nc that blamed me for saying without proof. When we spoke of the facts, they objected while saying that it was of the subjects of people wounded by the path, and didn't have this fact that little value. If you had never belonged at the path, you could not express yourselves, knowing of what you spoke (a few as if it was necessary to have been drug-addicted to be able to speak of the addiction). In short no critique nor of the in nor some outside was not possible.

After the analysis of the catéchèses I have had the promenades telling to me that it was the fruit of my imaginary and that the catéchèses didn't exist. When it was impossible to hide the written catéchèses, that didn't exist according to the catechists (it is what was told the bishops who asked for a support), one objected to me whereas these documents dated 1972 and that the speech of kiko had changed since (even if these catéchèses is used word for word at the time of the stages, and that they have been put back in extenso to validate or no the doctrine). The analyses made by laymen had no sense because people are not able to judge. In the same time, the members of church that speak and criticize the nc are not cataloged of traditionalists or of fact can either to speak of it. In short, all critique is once again impossible to hear and unfounded.

I take excerpts of a recent text of kiko here therefore since he/it only dates 1997, and in a newspaper that was rather favorable to the nc, of an interview of kiko of several pages.

The commentaries are the fruit of a personal reflection of everything that I could hear and see on this small group.


30 jours : " Vous spoke of families of the path who leave all to leave in mission. Why does make it elle ? "

Arguello : " par gratitude. Because  elles has been saved and wants to make participate other people has this salute. There is for example in South America, a big number of suburbs that is invaded by the sects. Facing these immense concentrations human of or the church is absent, the bishops asked us for our help.(.) and this is how are born of new parishes that give the opportunity has a lot of people who had passed under the influence of the sects, to come back has the church. "

It is unfortunately a speech that I heard including when I phoned in my diocese to have some information and that the person responsible of pastorale and sects have me dit : "  That is true, it is a surprising movement, with their songs and their dances, it resembles to the witnesses of jéhova with near enough techniques, but it allowed people who were in sects, far from the church to can revenir " there.

Would this be to say that there would be good sects (within the Catholic church) and of bad sects (those that are outside of this confession ? What no matter the means since one arrives to the but ?

30 jours : " Nous sums to the doorstep of the 3eme Christian millennium. What preoccupies you the more in the years that we are in the process of vivre ? "

Arguello : " nous sums within a culture audiovisual technological multimédiale. According to statistics, every Italian passes 3 hours and 40mn on average per day before the television. In some countries of America, it goes until 9 hours. If one analyzes the messages that one receives through the movies, the serials, the spectacles, roundtable discussions, closely etc.. What is it that one découvre ? one discovers that the individuals receive during numerous hours per day, in a continuous way, an anthropological message, a " catéchèse ", to speak contrary thus to the revelation,.(.)

In the experiences that we led through the world, we found help everywhere in the other groups and mouvement : the help of communion and liberation in the universities, the one of the priests of the opus dei in the parishes, the one of the focolari, of the charismatic, etc. (.) The difficulties and the problems are born in the parishes when we find groups of laymen and priests that have an anthropological conception, christologique and different eclesiologique there.

The outside is discerned like potentially dangerous and it is to note that kiko when it makes allusion has a certain conditioning whose media would be the fact, speak of catéchèses showing the very nature of this famous catéchèses of the path thus. Let's recall ourselves what a priest of the diocèse  wrote: " 2 parishioners, responsible of the chaplaincy returned me their observation. The meeting appeared to them like an enterprise of brain washing and destabilization of the personnes : " vous is not worth anything, it is necessary to make the emptiness you of it, to abandon all your repères.Ensuite one reconstruira.Sous of the democratic working paces, the animators gave the speech, but cut it brutally if she was not in conformity with what he came apporter ."

I would not make any commentary on the movements that are mentioned and sustain the path.

And kiko confirms well that finally that doesn't pose any problems when everybody thinks the same way.

30j : " on hears to say often that these new ecclesiastic realities and these movements are a little closed, folded on them even. And some bishops have ask them to be opened more, to give up their oppositions or rivalries. "

arguello : " C'est a judgment carried of the outside and that, doesn't correspond in my opinion to the reality. We have as for ourselves a completely inverse experience (.) these are the people of the outside who say that we are divided, that there are some problems. "

(.) Yes it is true us have been persecuted inside the church, it arrived and it arrives, again in some places. But me I always think has st Ignace of Loyola that, whereas one asked him, at death's door what he/it wished for Jesus' company answered   " des persécutions ." In what concerns me, I consider that the persecution is a very big grace. It is the unique point on which I look like the Christ. "

Here one notes well that it is the outside that criticizes, and in the first catéchèse he/it is said already that the outside it is the devil. Also begin to appear the persecution that must reinforce them in the idea that they are in the vrai  far from making think the adepts: : "Finally, there is a third circle, a third group of brothers. These are those that live in the lie, that is always lied to himself to themselves. These are those some that Satan acts with a real strength. But no because they are bad nor that it is of their mistake, but maybe because it happens to them to them, for any motive, into which we won't inquire.. These are maybe humanly the richest, the most intelligent. (Juda was the most intelligent of the apostles. It is for it that he/it held the purse). These are those that don't support the community. This mission is very important, because, without Judas, mystery of Easter of Jesus ago. And if you are called to be Jesus Christ, you must have your Judas. You all that are here you will have your hour. " p89 orientations to the teams of catechists


Do 30jours : " Ces demonstrations of hostility now tend to diminuer ? "

Arguello : " Oui. I think that a lot of bishops and vicars know us better and become aware of the results that we got and of the progress that continue to achieve itself/themselves reconstituted   families concretely, the young in the church, the entries to the seminary, etc. In August, in Paris, during the meeting with the pope had a lot of young of the new realities of the church, of which 50 000 that belong at the Path. At the end this meeting, we held an assembly on the vocations, presided by the cardinal Lustiger 5 000 youngsters, declared to want to enter in the seminaries and monasteries of fence. "

Interesting to see that kiko is conscious of the weight that it presents within the Catholic church well. To one moment or does the church endure vocations the path proposes to some and combien ? 5000/50000 it is enormous that makes 10% .10% of the young of the path felt named being priest or has enter in the convents. The others ready to found a large family of future missionaries and can be to leave abroad. And that that doesn't interrogate, on the manipulation that can be made? ? ?

30 jours : " Il has some years there I had the opportunity to read a document reserved to the community for the Catholic education. The cardinal who was then to his/her/its head, told that he/it had made an investigation to answer your demand to create of the missionary diocesan seminaries. The majority of the experts consulted had given an unfavorable opinion that summed up ainsi : " on cannot confide a seminary to a mouvement ." The pope jean II paul intervened personally to decide the question. And he/it confided you of seminaries. They are today to the number of 35, scattered all over the world. Why these seminaries, how are they nés ? "

Arguello : " ici also it is the Lord who showed us the path through the facts. The pope had already sent more than 100 families in the most difficult regions of South America and the world. These families were forming some communities chrétiennes ; attracting a lot of people that coming of the sects, returned has the church (.) The specificity of these seminaries consists in what the priests can be sent by the bishop all over the world to remedy the lack of priests in a lot of dioceses. One has since providentially, he/it is also declared in the documents of the council, for example in the number 10 of the document conciliar Presbyterorum ordinis, that it is necessary to open of the international seminaries to palliate the lack of priests.(.) "

Does one recover once again here that it would be therefore a group more or less specialized in people repéchage up against the sects, he/it is often said also of the past due people, the prostitutes, the homosexuals, the drug addicts, etc. but in the facts, is this indeed the majority of the adeptes ?

Without the path the churches empty themselves...:"The vicar that, today, don't work for a pastorale of tomorrow, will remain with an empty church or with a group of people that has a natural religiosity, a faith non adult, again. " p27 orientations to catechist's teams

Me repointerais not here that it " permet to remedy the lack of prêtres ." Will land t.on the question as The father made it Henri Bourgeois that is a theologian. He/it was dean of the faculty of theology of Lyons and responsible of the service of the catéchuménat of this diocese in an article on the path néocatéchuménal or he/it put the question : " Franchement, when I see some bishops tolerating or to encourage this shape of initiation, I wonder if she/it appears at the time really adapted present and if she/it drives to cause free and lucid believers. For me, the answer imposes itself. All gives to think that there is there a réaffirmation of the Catholicism, in the line of the "parochial cells of evangelism" with, as a bonus, some features of sectarian type "




does 30 jours : " Lorsqu 'un vicar call you to open the Path and that comes to his/her/its place another vicar who doesn't want you, how do you include vous ? "

Arguello : " Nous obeys. Our brothers must sometimes suffer during years from the incomprehension of the new vicar. He/it arrives that the vicar hunts these communities of which he doesn't want pas ; especially in Latin America, in the parishes of the religious where the vicar is changed at the end of some years. The catechists, if they can it, invite their brothers to follow the path in another parish. What we never make that is to create a parallel church. To rediscover the baptism means to rediscover the Christian " primum " always that est : " comme I have you aimés ", that is to say the love for the enemy, while carrying the sin of that sends back the communities. We have in this sense seen of the heroic attitudes at our brothers.(.) "

Here one of the aspects is again to reverse the thing and to pass toward victim's statute.

Let's recall for memory another speech of kiko...:"In the parish there are a lot of Mass, a lot of communions, everything that you want, but Christianity one doesn't see it nowhere." p52 orientation to catechist's teams


Arguello : " Et yet, he/it proved to be, in 30 years of path, that these ceremonies constitute a marvelous pedagogy to live the paschal mystery, that she/it helps our brothers to pass the death to life, that she/it drags real conversions, especially at the young that, thanks to this eucharistie, have been saved of the drug and the madness of the Saturday discos evening. These ceremonies were at the source of thousands of ministerial and religious vocations. It is ausi that, in the path néocatéchuménal, all over the world, there are the people who are very far from the church, of people deeply injureds, sick, of the very weak people that one must take on his/her/its shoulders, as the good pastor, to bring back them home of their father. "

The things are clear and the date chosen for the eucharistie (Saturday evening and no Sunday morning) is discriminating in the measure or he/it permits to limit the outlays maximally in disco, the meetings with ami(e)s out of the path that such Satan be able to then make dive you in the universe of the drug.


Arguello : " Dans measures it where these brothers begin to believe in the faith and to testify in their workplace and in the families, other people are attracted toward the faith and ask to begin, them also, the path. And this is how forms itself a second, a troisième ,; fourth community. (.) After more of 30 years of path, one of the results that comforts us the more, it is to see the reconstituted families that, open to life, become a real " église domestique " where comes true the duty fundamental of the family that is to transmit the faith has his/her/its children. This transmission essentially operates itself in a liturgy domesticates Sunday morning. In this liturgy, the parents read to their children the writing and ask " que this speech does want to say for you, for your vie ? " it is impressive to see how the children know how to apply God's speech to their concrete history. At the end, the father and the mother, leaving from their own experience, say a word of commentary and invite the whole family to pray for the pope, for the church, etc. One finishes with the our father and the peace. And the parents bless every child. He/it is very very important, today to find one moment of dialogue between the two generations. "

Here proselytism is not hidden and is even encouraged. TO a certain stage they go 2 by 2 to hit to the doors of people and précher the good speech, as the witnesses of jéhova make it.

The divorce and the family's unit is a thing that is used to maintain people in the fear and the fear and that without the path many would divorce one day

"He/it doesn't serve to anything to tell the people that they must like. No one can like the other. You will be able to approach and will be able to like your wife and another person, but until a certain point ; so much that she/it doesn't destroy you. But you cannot go beyond because you must defend your life. It is the only thing that you possess. You want to live, to be. How can you lose your life? Why? For whom? A man will be able to give his/her/its life for something noble, for his/her/its homeland, for an ideal... But who will give its life for nothing? Who will give its life for the enemy? (is hostile everything that jeopardizes your personality). Let's go therefore: on the contrary: it is necessary to kill the enemy because he/it opposes what you believe the good. Who loses its life for nothing? it is absurd.

And has who her makes a mistake of it? to no one. It is why the speeches don't serve to anything. He/it doesn't serve to anything to say: sacrifice yourselves, like yourselves: And if someone tries, he/it will become the biggest pharisien of the world because he/it will make all for his/her/its personal perfection.

It is why all human relations are based on the violence: the violence of one that obliges the other to accomplish the law and vice versa. And in more each has its clean idea of the law. If the husband is a jealous man... poor woman: And if she/it is a little neurotic... poor husband, he/it is going to drool some.

The matrimonial relations are always contradictory. I take the marriage as example because everywhere it is the same thing. It is so true that the marriage in Sweden, for example, don't exist anymore as institution. The domestic community, as foundation of the social order, don't exist anymore. And the divorce spills in all the Europe. He/it imposes himself/itself like a reality because one cannot make otherwise. Because what imports to the husband that is to be liked, and in the same way for the woman, here is that it is already the war. What to do? Nothing: to support itself/themselves, to resist until one is not able to some anymore and then to separate and it is finished. The spouses divorce and hello to all.

It is why so many marriages fail." p136-137

The child is conditioned of the his/her/its birth to this way of thinking and to see the things. The problems relational intergénérationnels would be yet simple bein to solve according to kiko : : "Everything that the father has to offer the son gives him desire to vomit, because au melts the father's life is a failure. Because it is a man who works a lot, who is closed itself at the world, that has his/her/its ideas to him, that is disillusioned very on the reality of the postwar. This man never speaks of God. Do think about yourselves, how many times did you speak of God before being in this path? Maybe he/it will speak of God of a manner bigote, but of God as regards to the existence or history, no. Why? because he/it is not Christian. " p52 orientation for the catechists

Amusing to speak of reconstituted families because it is well evidently one of the targets of choice of the nc.. What to say all families destroyed because of the nc ?

But can be is necessary him to hear rebuilt in the sense of rebuilt within the path, in an endogamy that doesn't exclude the divorce because as kiko : " Pourquoi said it then me not to go with a such since we like ourselves... she/it is married but she/it doesn't like her/its husband, it is an unhappy woman... Why does God have permit that I like it if I cannot live with her? And you think: if that is it that I want, if this is how I will be able to achieve me, why cannot make me him? But who said that that was a sin? the priests: But in other countries they say that one can it... " p131-132 orientation to the teams of catechists

Let's finish on a note of hope and optimism full of happiness recovered thanks to the path néocatéchuménal: "Abraham saw the day of Jesus Christ and he laughed. You also you will see it and you will laugh. I tell you this: you, in this path, you will see what we announced you, that your life is going to acquire a marvelous sense indeed, that you will be able to like all men as liked them Jesus Christ, that you will have living Jesus inside you, that your life will have a sense impressionant that the eternal life, the Shékina, God's presence will establish his tent in you and you will really be God's Temple. And all it you will receive it free, because God likes you and want to make you gift of one marvelous life forever. This you will experiment it in the path catéchuménal as Abraham and the virgin Marie experimented it." p221-222


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