In a text dated of December 19, 1988, title Notificazione sulle celebrazioni nei gruppi del "Cammino neo-catecumenale" (Declaration concerning the celebrations in the groups of the neo-catéchuménal" "Path), the Community for the divine Cult and for the Discipline of the sacraments answers to questions that have often been asked him, even by Bishops, concerning the celebrations eucharistiques of the NC.

Some people believed and made believe that the NC had gotten the authorization to entrench the liturgy eucharistique the Creed, the Gloria and the Agnus dei. He/it seemed, according to some, that the document of the Community of the divine Cult and for the Discipline of the sacraments, dated of December 19, 1988 and appeared in the Italian edition of the Romano Osservatore of December 24, 1988 granted to the NC groups this authorization. Verification made, it is not not at all question of an authorization to entrench prayers of the liturgy of the Mass in this document. The Community doesn't make mention of an authorization not at all to entrench the Creed, the Agnus dei and the Gloria in the celebrations eucharistiques of the NC. He/it is made mention of the authorization agreed by the Community that the groups of the "path" can receive the communion under the two cash, always with the unleavened bread, and to place, "ad experimentum", the ritual of the just peace after the universal prayer. And it is all. He/it is there question of no other authorization. To lean on this text to say that the Community for the divine Cult allowed the deletion of some prayers of the Mass (The Creed, the Agnus dei and the Gloria) make itself/themselves of the false representation. Is it necessary to remember this therefore that wrote Mgr Noè, titular Archbishop of Voncaria, secretary of the Community for the divine Cult, January 21, 1982 (can one consult this letter on the site under the title "The path he has as many rights as he pretends it?") : "In no point of these "Reflections" he/it is not question of the possibility to omit systematically, in the celebration eucharistique, one or the other of the texts prescribed in the Missae Ordo of the Missal Roman. Therefore, the affirmation that the Holy See, either by our Community is by the one of the divine Cult, would have conceded to the neo-catéchuménales communities the permission to omit some texts of the plain of the Mass (Gloria, Creed, Agnus dei) is absolutely free and deprived of all foundation."

Here is the text of the Community therefore in consistent Italian of his/her/its translation:


Notificazione sulle celebrazioni nei

gruppi del "Cammino neo-catecumenale"


"The Congregazione per him Culto divino e per Disciplined it Sacramenti dei ha ricevuto spesso domande, vibrator da leaves Vescovi di, circa the celebrazioni dell'Eucaristia nei gruppi del cosi detto neo-catecumenale" "cammino. Riguardo has cio, e senza pregiudicare elteriori interventi, questo Dicastero dichiara quanto segue:

1. The celebrazioni di gruppi particolari riuniti per una specifica formazione loro propria sound system previste Istruzioni nelle "Eucharisticum mysterium", del 25 maggio 1967, nn. 27 e 30 (AAS 59, 1967, 556.557) e "Actio pastoralis", del 15 maggio 1969 (AAS 61, 1969, 806-811).


2. The Congregazione grants che tra gli adattamenti previsti tiled Istruzione "Actio pastoralis", nn. 6-11, i gruppi del menzionato "cammino" possano ricevere the comunione sotto owed it specie, sempre idiot coats azzimo, e spostare, "ad experimentum", him rito della pace dopo the universal preghiera.

3. The Ordinario del luogo dovrà essere informato abitualmente, oh "ad casum", del e posto del tempo in cui sassy tree celebrazioni so svolgeranno; esse non potranno essere fatte senza sweat it autorizzazione.

* * *

In occasione di questa dichiarazione, the Congregazione ribadisce quato è detto Istruzioni nelle sopra citate, e specialmente the seguente raccomandazione:

"So esortano vivamente i pastori of enlivens has steal e considerare formativo di queste celebrazioni. Esse ottengono him loro solo scopo himself conducono i partecipanti has una maggiore consapevolezza del mistero cristiano, all'incremento del culto divino, all'inserimento nella compagine della ecclesiastic comunità, e all'esercizio fecondo dell'apostolato e della carità back i fratelli" "Actio pastoralis."

Flags Sede della Congregazione per him Culto divino e per Disciplined it Sacramenti dei, 19 dicembre 1988.


Card. Martinez Somano


Virgilio Noè,

Arciv. tit.titulaire Voncaria di


In the ROMANO OSSERVATORE, Ed., quotidiano, 24 dicembre 1988.





Declaration concerning the celebrations

in the groups of the neo-catéchuménal "Path"


The Community for the divine Cult and for the Discipline of the Sacraments is made itself ask some questions often, even on behalf of bishops, concerning the celebrations of the Eucharist in the groups of says it neo-catéchuménal" "path. Concerning it, and without hurting ulterior interventions, this Dicastère declares what follows:


1 - the celebrations of the particular groups united for a specific formation clean to them are foreseen in the Instructions "Eucharisticum mysterium", of May 25, 1967, nn. 27 and 30 (AAS 59, 1967, 556.557) and Actio pastoralis", of May 15, 1969 (AAS 61, 1969, 806-811).

2. The Community agrees to that that, among the adaptations foreseen by the instruction "Actio pastoralis", nn. 6-11, the groups of the aforesaid "path" can receive the communion under the two cash, always with the unleavened bread, and to place, "ad experimentum", the ritual of the just peace after the universal prayer.

3. The plain of the place should usually be informed, or "ad casum", of the place and as soon as such celebrations will take place; they won't be able to take place without his/her/its authorization.


* * *

On the occasion of this declaration, the Community reconfirms what is said in the above stated Instructions, especially the following recommendation:

"The pastors of souls are exhorted briskly to really want to consider and to deepen the spiritual value and formative of these celebrations. They only get their goal if they drive the participants on the whole to a bigger conscience of the Christian mystery, to the increase of the divine cult, to the insertion of the ecclesiastic community, and to the fertile exercise of the apostolate and the charity towards the brothers." (Actio pastoralis)

Of the Seat of the Community for the divine Cult and for the Discipline of the Sacraments, December 19, 1988.

Eduardo Card. Martinez Somano,


Virgilio Noè,

Titular archbishop of Voncaria,


in the ROMANO OSSERVATORE, Ed., daily, December 24, 1988.



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