Techniques used in the path néocatéchuménal, permitting to maintain people under mental manipulation.

Sebastian NICOLAS, psychologist clinician,

(you listen to lark, kind lark, I will pluck you...)


This small exposition doesn't have any other pretensions that how the path arrives to manipulate his/her/its adepts mentally to permit to understand brief enough way better.

	Les techniques are classic enough, but deserve to be understood in order to can be deactivated, those that make parties of the path néocatéchuménal, or that makes to some makes parties will recognize thus and will understand can be in a clearer way how they have been abused.

	Toutes the sects have resort to this kind of techniques that allows a group to get others what he/it wants, while even making sometimes him believe that he/it made it librement ; what is then a lot more efficient, since the person has the impression to have acted freely (while feeling thrust but without knowing how)..


In the beginning, already of the non so-called.


Strangely, one doesn't see too much what it is about, of the meetings with a priest and laymen, what reassures, in the beginning. Surely by chance, he/it is that he/it is not made mention of the path, nor because of to make a community, nor of the time that it is going to take (more than 20 years.). This technique is common has the majority of the sects. One doesn't clearly announce the name of the movement, one speaks of religion, one makes reference has the Catholic, brief church, one puts in confidence.

	Vous come therefore to catéchèses (you that thought to come have only one meeting, 15 are going to follow.) and has reason of 2 sessions per week on 2 months, one begins to destroy you psychically and to put you in confiance.en sweetness. Do you put some questions ? " Vous must trust us answer the catéchistes ." Do you have enough and want partir ? " vous threats don't hear the Lord who speaks you, you will have some misfortunes and it will be of your faute ."

Already has this stage can operate itself more or less a first selection of topics auspicious has this type of indoctrination.. Indeed, the protesters who are mentally the strongest, risk to allow the other to ask the questions, as much to oust them in succession.


Comes then. the continuation


Good that is it, now that you are hire whereas you didn't come for it, one makes you the catéchèses (this document of 373 pages doesn't exist an official way, but the catechists train to know his/her/its content word to word) The subjects are famous of speeches and histories that are going to frighten you and to mark you to the deepest of you même. exemple, of the people who had not heard the Lord and that died or, even better, that suffered a lot.

You were not rien.demain you ALL will be thanks to the path you are going to become the ELITE.Des questions ? Of the angoisses ? Of the peurs ? FINISHED, thanks to the path, all goes himself arranger ! ! !

Does have to the fait.on is going to create a communauté.des objections ? NO, PERFECT, one knows the mechanisms of groups well and he/it would be well hard has a person to express a refusal overtly because the person is already hired (what opposes to have committed, because these are his/her/its behaviors that hired it unknowingly). 


 The " librement submissiveness agreed "


It is whereas one has resort to techniques of very known mental manipulation. I advise you the " petit briskly treated of manipulation to the use of the honest gens "de Joule and beauvois to the academic presses of Grenoble. (it must be the other Bible of the catechists and Kikos)

	Ces 2 psychologists show well, how, has shortcoming of the simple enough techniques, one succeeds in getting others that he/it behaves as one hears it. better again, one makes him change his/her/its opinions, because having the impression freely to have acted, he/it can make to change his/her/its positions not to be in dissonance otherwise only, that is to say in state of tension.

	Des exemples ? To ask little to get others more then. If one asked the the first meeting for example to give one jewelry to which one holds or money has a pauvre(une of the first step). few results but after having hired the other already in such a process, the thing is comfortable. Make the experience suivante : first experimental condition, you ask for 10 francs in the street has some gens.sur 20 people, can be 1 or 2 are going to accept. Second experimental condition, ask the time has someone (inexpensive behavior) and ask 10f then can be 5 has 10 people are going to accept. pourquoi ? because they already committed.

	Dans the path, one uses this technique a lot. Well on, to function to tell the other that for which one will ask them in 1, 5, 10,20 years won't be necessary... That would not work anymore.. From where the secret of the stages (of the asked things). One will tell you whereas you must wait before knowing what one is going to ask you. Thus, the changes and the demands are more and more important, but all this fact gradually, so that it is almost impossible to see the difference between what one asks you to make and what you made hier.Mais if you compared what you make and what you made a few years ago.

	Il have other techniques of this kind used in the path there, read this book and the report makes by the professor of psychiatry of Rome concerning the mental manipulation in the path and you will see.


guilt with love.


Other technique appreciated by the path, guilt, and the disparagement of your natural goodness, to fix you of the impossible ideals permitting to increase at home guilt while insisting well, permitting a perfect allegiance. Even better in the height of the perversion (the path is strong enough on ça) ; Add paradoxical ties there (of the miscellanies of guilt and " love-bombing ", in other words of flatteries in all kinds). Ideal to permit a perfect destabilization ex the effort to return the other madman of H . Searle, (psychoanalyst). It is what also permits to return the psychotic people.

It goes without saying that everything that is asked you for the East for your good.


 This group that I hate myself..


	Le friendlier as is the group, one is interested a lot in the group and has group dynamics. Take a group, by the pressure groupale, " permettez " to people to confess in public of heavy things. guaranteed effect, do you get a very soldered group (by love or by fear of what the other could say if you the quittez ? ). It is what occurs in the path, each "is invited" to say what he/it is, his/her/its mistakes, etc.On invites the members to unveil itself/themselves entirely towards their brothers and s.urs, to open their c.ur. The obvious liberation" felt, bound aware of to have given a ticket to some sufferings said nothing about until this day, go turn around in a trap, because the person will be embarrassed then sometimes to have delivered, in the euphoria provoked of the moment, of such things very personal.


 " vraies histories "


	Le path has its myths (has defect of miter). The first is without dispute the one of the founder, Kiko and of this femme : Carmen.

	Mais what is funny that is nevertheless the histories of the catechists, they have the whole time a terrifying history has tell that permits to make the adepts that the outside is terrifying believe and that only the community is reassuring (like all sects).

Example you have a buddy or a husband, who want that you left the path to recover your autonomy. And well the path has mieux ! ! !" a woman who was with a man and has even the path, well on her was very unhappy with this man and bit the fingers to have left the chemin ".. Etc. That to say?

The catechists are soon reassuring and charming people, soon of the terrifying people who accuse you of all pains of the earth.


The diabolization


	Souvent to reinforce his/her/its Holiness, the path, don't find better than to take the liberty to see the partout.Je devil am the devil because I tempted my friend. She/it is the devil because she/it asked the questions on the path. Is what reassures me that that they say the same thing has other people in France, in England, to Canada etc. But the devil would not he/it of the other côté  be? ? ?


To divide to reign


The where is the path, there is bursting of the parishes (Niort, Nancy, Marseille.), the converts and those that understood what happened. It is true that to divide to reign is the most efficient. For a movement that unites. (religion = religere (to join) / sect = secare(séparer).)

The parishioners, that, before the arrival of the path lived in harmony and in friendship the some with the other, become rival and are angry because of the path. Some don't see themselves anymore because their conceptions of life (that were before similar), become incompatible.


The enjoyment of the suffering


The path likes to be criticized and to suffer, it is what proves that they are in the truth, as the christ himself, SOUFRIR is NECESSARY. In more it permits to turn the things upside-down one criticizes us normal one is so good the other are has.. a tour has the Coperfield kiko (David forgiveness).

The path likes to hold martyr's place, for it, to be criticized thus is the tangible sign that what they live in the movement is the truth, to the picture of the christ.


Dictated it of life.


	Le more terrifying is the fact that the path interferes in the life of people while telling them what is good, what is badly, what they must make, that they must frequent, on occasion, with that to get married.. and this with sustains it of the community that sees in the catechists and kiko, the reincarnation of the speech of Jésus.presque of new prophètes ! ! !

Numerous families have been destroyed thus, and people don't arrive anymore, little by little, to reason and to take some decisions by them same and for them same. Traumatized by the idea that they could sin, they prefer to make that for which is asked by the catechists, that to take a risk.

Little by little, they lose their free will, without even without giving account because it became normal, natural, and meet in the denial when one says it. After having left, they succeed in realizing to what point they were toys, and that their identity of topic had disappeared. It is a difficult thing, because it is necessary to learn again to make his/her/its own choices, to take some decisions sometimes, of the risks, brief, it is necessary to learn again to live normally. A work psychothérapique permits to gain a lot of time and to speak this traumatism that is the one of more to have been subject wanting.


 Is an exit foreseeable?


Yes, she/it is, but he/it is right to be very prudent and that the person who comes out of the movement feels assisted, included, and find a monitoring to what she lived. This site to been made, between other, to this intention, that the former adepts culpabilisent not, that they know that they are not the only ones, and that they can be helped and sustained. Numerous people are relieved of it because they didn't always find an adequate and adapted answer by the priests and bishops.

I invite them briskly to speak of their sufferings and them lived, it permits to pass what was a traumatism, during sometimes numerous years. The psychologists and the psychiatrists who don't serve the reason are decried, satanic, how from then on, after having heard this speech during numerous years to be going to consult one of it?

To excuse the former victims again, and those that are again in this group but want to take some, know that many theologians criticize the doctrine of the path, qualified well often of heretic. While leaving the path, you don't leave God, you don't betray it. These people, clever use of the gospels to enslave you, what is completely contrary to Jesus' speech (recall yourselves the epistle to the gallates "I came to deliver you of the yoke of the servitude").

Don't be afraid to be going to meet some priests (good number among them is fiercely opposite to the path). And consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist, or ask help has the ADFI, association that is accustomed, unfortunately to this kind of situation, and that will know to guide you and to come with you in the steps surely that you will want to undertake.

Finally, don't be ashamed, you are a victim and no a guilty person, let's redistribute the roles "it is necessary to return what is Caesar's to Caesar and what is God's, to God". Don't hesitate either to write to your bishop, so that other people are not at their tower enrolled in this movement.





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