The path néocatéchuménal: a sectarian movement?

	Je is going to try to make a small analysis of that that I could read, to hear and to see concerning the path neocatechumenal. My subject here will limit itself to a humanist and psychological vision of this movement. I won't enter into a theological analysis, on the one hand because I don't feel competent enough to make it in a satisfactory way, and on the other hand because of other qualified people (of which theologians recognized by their equals) made it already on this site, and elsewhere.

	D'un human viewpoint, one can be only striking and surprised that a movement that asks for itself close to the gospels, makes as much pain in his/her/its setting. Numerous people suffer and endured continuation has the arrival or has their meeting with the path neocatechumenal (I will write NC to go more quickly). It would already have to in itself to begin to interrogate the religious processes. When a movement causes such unrests, one is in right to wonder about his/her/its interest. The bishop of clifton, in England, has processed it and barred the path merely in his/her/its diocese. Many bishops, including in France don't welcome the NC, or don't give them the authorization anymore to make new catéchèses, not allowing them anymore, so, to increase the number of their adepts.

	Ce that also surprises that is the interdiction made to the people who come to attend the catéchèses to ask some questions. They must accept everything that is told to them and must accept to drop their critical mind, this in France as has the stranger, therefore not being dregs the personality's of the catechists but to the movement himself. To disparage people, to weaken them and to tell to them that they are only good to make the pain and the sin, but that thanks to the path, they can be saved, is near enough, otherwise similar, has what makes itself in the sects. It is the only means to take itself/themselves of it, the only exit, and those that be tempt to leave or not to listen to what is said and ask some things, meet accuse to be the devil, not to listen to the voice of the christ.J'ai myself been accused to be judas or the devil. My friend who came out of the movement has been accused of having made the pain has the community, and to be the devil in person, because the one that attacks the path is always the devil. It is precisely what happens in the sects, without counting the psychological pressure put by the catechists and the community on the people who would be tempted to come out of the movement.

	Il are surprising to read orientation to the catechists for the phase of conversion, document of 373 pages, or one tells the people that the women must hate their husband so that he/it doesn't become an idol, and a number impressive of bewildering instructions of the same kind.

	Les members of the path don't have access has these documents nor has what is going to happen later. All is cache, and unveil, or rather demand every time the adept is sufficiently manipulates to accept some more. The things make themselves progressively, without one realizes it, small has small and each stage prepares an addiction and a more and more strong and unconditional allegiance slowly to the catechists.

One frightens people and one maintains them thanks to it, has the individual little little loses his/her/its reference marks, and the community becomes soon the only space or the individual feels protected, and included. The outside is the cave of the shrewd, that watches you and is ready has jump you over has the least opportunity. I saw this mechanism unfortunately in game at several people who belong at the path, and it is confirmed in the testimonies of other people of different countries.

	Bien that the church refuses the public confession, the Nc has recourse there. People are invited to speak of their private life before the community, has describe their sins. Either they make it, and has this moment the say themselves that the community knows a lot of things (that that, one suspects it will return again harder the rupture of with the group, so one day it wants it, by fear of disclosure of these things.); either she/it omits some things and feels of this fact guilty not to have book his/her/its c.ur has his/her/its brothers and s.urs yet who makes him confidence, would not she/it have confidence in them, her??? These techniques are also used in the sects.

	Une surprising enough thing is also that the individuals who come out of this movement are weakened and have need of a psychological or psychiatric help, of specialized people in the mental manipulation. Professor Alberto PICANO, psychiatrist has the hospital san camillo has Rome, watch good that a psychological support is necessary to the people who leave of the path, and receives a lot of people who leave of the path.

The family interests the path a lot, besides the marriages arrange more or less (by chance well on), this movement leans on the energy of the young couples to alienate them more. The numerous cases in France as has the stranger, also show that the path doesn't support that a person is with someone that is not part of the community. This communautarisme, push to this point is in general the appendage of the sects. This psychiatrist tells that his/her/its mother was during 20 years in the path but that his/her/its father didn't make some gone, and that it is here for this reason that they were separated until the death of the one. They had bring up his/her/its mother against him because he/it criticized the path and the catechists had said to his/her/its mother: "we have ordered to your mother to throw you of the house."

The main structure of a member of the path is the community, the family passes to the second plan since the spouse, the children, and the friends out community, must not become idoles.L' main interest is therefore the interest of the community, to the detriment sometimes of the domestic cell. The catechists had demands to my friend; before the community as well as his/her/its parents (that are in the movement) "to stop seeing me during a certain time, probably enough long". This because I contested the path and thought that this movement was so much dangerous for his/her/its good psychic being, that for his/her/its integrity as individual.

	Cette situation of absolute obedience to the catechists, who become thus of real gurus is very clean, and this pressure is more and more strong. They tell to be inspire God; to disobey would be equivalent to them thus has disobey has God in person.

Of numerous people, has that one removed small has small the power of free will, meet thus in a passive monitoring facing the leaders, and accept everything that is said. They think to be able to find in their catechists, all answers to the questions that they ask, and, so, end up becoming of real "remote-controlled people."

	Lorsque one asks the psychiatrist of which I spoke in a little while, what are the pathologies presented by the people who were member of the path, he/it answers :

"All these people show a weak personality, a feeling of failure and an inability has face their own mistakes, they lock themselves in a rigid system in (.) It is the most frequent pathology concerning people that locks itself in communities, of the sects, of the authoritative systems", in.

	En what concerns me, and as psychologist, I would say that the risk is even more important for young people who don't yet have had the time to construct itself/themselves, because they risk strong to construct itself/themselves a false self, personality's ersatz. This obedience to the catechists seems serious enough to me because so one day they said that people must commit suicide "for the reason", to imitate the christ and to wash the sins of the world, many between them would make it undoubtedly, and without any hesitation, because happiness is not here in the future life, the eternal life, the one.

We could also imagine some murders, it can make smile and can let think that I am a little paranoiac, but the history that follows should allow you to understand what one can risk when one shows off against the path.

Testimony of Faustini augusto (in a destroyed family). This gentleman explains us that he was part of a community of the NC in 1985, during some years. After having understood what was the movement, he/it has decided to leave the movement and it happened to him a thing that I don't wish to anybody. His/her/its son has him demand what he thought the path, and after having heard that his/her/its father was against, he tried to kill it by suffocation... (this person has the medical files to prove it). Indeed, to be against the path, it is to be the incarnation of the pain, and of that made, each must fight and fight until the extermination so necessary.

We saw since the beginning of this brief exposes, how the mental manipulation acts on the individuals, to the detriment on the one hand of their capacity of discernment and choice, and, on the other hand, of their domestic life, when one of the 2 been not part of the movement.

Now try to go further.

In a community, the pain is projected outside of the one here and everything that goes in opposition to the movement is discerned like being diabolic. When someone is in the path, has radical changes little little operate themselves in relation to the previous life. "It is necessary to rebuild, to forget everything that was before."

The member speaks enthusiastically and devotion of the path, the way of salute that all should borrow. The first convivence (meeting of Friday evening to Sunday after noon), that has place after the 2 months of initial catéchèses are going to lead at the individual of the feelings more and more strong, and the individual is going to feel quickly implies.

When some leave the movement has one moment or another, the catechists reassure the rest of the community while telling to them that everybody is not made to be salt and the light, that it is the Lord who chooses.

To say before the community everything that the path made for each and how it permitted of change his/her/its life.

In the beginning, he/it is asked an involvement bi weekly, and has little little, one asks people to be in harmony with the path, all change then for the individual in his/her/its life, whose path becomes the only thing that can bring him something.

The path prepares its adepts to undergo the critiques while explaining to them that more they are criticized, and more they are near of jésus, because himself was not understood, what permits to close again a tour again, and not to allow to people a discount in reason of the movement (that would be the operation of the devil).

Then this movement, is this a sect? I let to each the choice to decide what he/it thinks this movement. In what concerns me, I have my opinion.




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