Testimony of Rose Ellen Caminer and his/her/its Tom husband, of USA,

	J'ai summer member of the path during 9 years environ ; My husband, he was there only during 4ans. I have been thrown outside only once two times and my husband. After my last banishment, I returned there with my husband.

Lately we have been put all 2 outside. I only fear that is the last time. I send you a copy of the 5lettres that I sent to the father Renato after my ejection of the path. He/it is assigned priest in the seminary redemptoris to subdue in Newarrk, NJ, USA. He/it comes from Newark in my parish (St. joan of Bow Queens in, NY, USA). Can be will be able to glean yourselves some elements in these experiences that I have had in the path. I hope that you will find them pleasant and that they will make tilt for you. If he/it pleases you, feel yourselves free to share them with whoever there will find an interest.


Rose-Ellen and Tom Caminer

PS : I hope to be able to send you more of documents that describe my experiences in the future.


First letter :

Dear father renato,

The catechists of the path neocatechumenal have me strength to the silence asserting the fact that I put people in the temptation because people were in anger every time that I spoke.

Catechist " chef " Giusseppe interrupted me when I spoke, saying that I sowed confusion at the other.(he/it told to me subsequently that I would need medicines because I was enlivened too much). The reality, it is that I shared in the fifth community on the teachings of the church and the message of Jesus Christ. Therefore I was not delivering people has the temptation even though it is true that some people were in anger. You, priests and catechists of the path, you drag people in confusion and deceive God's people. You proclaim the truth of jésus christ and his/her/its teachings of a quoted, and of the other you deny them. You make the whole time this.

An example of this is the " sermon on the montagne ." You proclaim it like speech of the Lord, and makes you of it the XXX before us. You tell us that it is impossible has live and therefore that it doesn't have anything has see now with us. You tell us that it is a promise that is made us for the future and therefore that until then nothing is required of us as for has the way of which we live our life and the relations that one has with our neighbors. It is a door opened on our neighborhood until God makes us sacred. You encourage us to share (no matter how we are " avancés " in the path) with the other has what dawns us is incapable to follow the Christ. You tell us that it is a promise that is made us if we obey the catechists.

It is demoniac. It is the snake who told Eve to disobey him and to obey to him him and that then she/it would be consecrated (as God). Therefore, it is not surprising that the herd that you indoctrinated can only say itself that they are thankful for the path and the catechists or that they are incapable to make although it is but to hate their setting but that they comfort themselves to the idea that one day God will return them consecrations (like a new man, or a new creation).

Every homily that you make reinforces that quotes demoniac of fatalism and determinism.

Every homily that you give invites us to hate our setting and everything that is in us human, compassion and the thank you, the justice, the reflection. Every time that the gospels give us a catéchèse on that is that that to be Christian, what it means, you deny it. He/it is us demand of the inhuman things, of the things that the christ doesn't ask us.

The Christ's obedience towards the father is put in equation with our obedience to the catechists. The silence of the christ owing his/her/its condemnation died is put in equation with our silence facing the tests that the catechists decided to impose us. That it appears by lies, of the swindles, of the cruelty or an erroneous doctrine, whatever they make is l'. uvre of God and to resist be respect them the will of the christ.

We wait to be consecrate, and until this moment the it is the door opened on our setting. You harass the children so that they admit to what point they are contrary to the christ, and reassure them then that it doesn't have an importance because anything of that that the christ didn't say applies to us or has our life of every day. You learn that all attempt to conform to the christ of the way of which we live or the fawn of which we treat the other is worthless because has shortcoming our own power, we are incapable of love. We can only like when god gives us this grace, the grace to be to his/her/its picture. The word "would have to" should be extracted of our vocabulary according to your teachings. Well on, it didn't stop you from telling me that I should not defend myself when you excluded me or that I should not say that the catechist is a liar.

The reality, it is that the Christ constructs His house, or nest in the soul of those in which he feels well, as in Marie's uterus because of his/her/its purity of c.ur and his/her/its innate goodness. If we try to conform us to his/her/its will, the one will be placed here in us and will fill us of his/her/its mind. Although the conversion of the c.ur can occur suddenly, a movement of the person's soul is required by the person. Otherwise, there is not any free will. You préchez that nothing is required of us. The attempts of justice, the mercy, compassion is worthless until God makes us sacred while transmitting us the mind. You préchez the determinism and the contempt of the humanity.

You deceive the herd with this radical contentment that you preach. I spoke and tried to wake you up. You, God's people that to been deluded by this demoniac contentment by the teachings of the path.


Sincerely in the christ,

Your s.ur,

Rose-Ellen Caminer


Letter number two :


Dear father Renato,

You say that I should go me of it and let you alone. The reality, is that I am yet one of the your and that you disowned me. I have been created by God and have been purchased by Jesus Christ. I have been baptized in the faith. The reality is that you are a pagan of c.ur. You subscribe to the rule of the strip, the rule of the group.

You say that I have offended the community and that therefore I must leave. The reality is that I have shaken the contentment of those that is born in the path neocatechumenal while speaking truly rather than a double speech on which the Nc insists. You say that I cannot accuse the catechists of being liars. The truth, it is that the emperor is naked. You blaspheme God and use his/her/its name in vain while affirming that your diabolic actions are of God. You are the high priests who now have all hand-held cards.

You are a pagan of c.ur, you believe in the sacrifice and the dismissal of one for the salute of the group. You think that the pain is infectious and could contaminate the community. The christ put an end has this demoniac belief when it offered himself/itself like last sacrifice. You are the resurgence of this old religious heathenism that doesn't recognize that God is love.

Although you lectured us personally so that we let all our idols, you idolized the primitive Christianity more that jésus himself and his/her/its teaching.

You became the scribes and the pharisiens in your report to the herd. Jesus christ is the model that we would owe all to follow.

You are a cancer in the church. You hide behind the favor of the Holy Seat. But he/it appears me that you have deceived your superior in the church when I see your beliefs, your politics and your practice that encourage the forgery. The pope has affirmed that the church on earth is constituted of fallible human beings who can make some mistakes, and made to some.

You have been seduced by the wolf who is disguised itself in lamb. You practice the demonology involuntarily. It doesn't deny the fact that jésus is also present when you assemble. Everywhere or is the devil, the Christ is there also. If he/it pleases you, wake yourselves up and come back to Jesus who likes us us and our holy Church, one, Catholic and apostolic, or all are the welcome.

Your s.ur,

Rose-Ellen Caminer

Ps: excuse the previous copies that have can be sent by mistake has another address enamel.


Letter number 3 :

Dear father renato,

Your analogy between the community and a team of climbing or a member must be sacrificed as cutting the rope shows your fundamental mistake. You subscribed to the primitive, erroneous and demoniac principle that if a member of the group is condemned, the rest of the group it will also be. It justifies hate and the cruel treatments inflicted by the group has those that are declared devils. He/it encourages people has think that the fear and the hate of the setting is something necessary and of good. It is what allows the catechists has say me that I must leave because so much that I would be the of others will refuse to come. This same erroneous principle that seduced the men has been made deciduous by jésus that teaches us that we must treat the smallest among us as we treat god. None of us deserves to be rejected and thrown in the abysses. We will be judges as no one and no as member of the group.

	Vous have been indoctrinated in the false belief that the damnation was infectious. It is what allowed the herd to justify their fear and their hate towards me because I am discerned like being the devil. It is for it that the catechists can tell me than so much that I would be in the community, the other won't come and that I must leave therefore.

You think that they need the community to be saved but that I am éjectable because you saw with God (thanks to your grant of discernment) that I am can be a condemned person and therefore the threat for their salute and yours.

It is contrary to Jesus' message that came to save us all and that only can separate the wheat of wheat.

When I tried to explain the évènementses that brought me to have ejected out of the community, make me say nothing about you while telling to me that I forbid myself. You say that I don't possess the Christ's mind and that, therefore I cannot be part of the community. You tell me it has me even if you constantly repeat to the herd that none of us has the mind of the christ. We wait for all it and so much that we don't have it, we can only sin. It is why God has us all called to wait for the Christ's mind. You use the fact that I don't have the mind as the reason to deprive me of the community and the lack of mind in you and for the other as an excuse for the sin and a consoling promise of glory to come. In every case you use the name of the Lord to torment me in my sins, and to excuse yours.

THE Christ proclaims the end of hate, the fear and the exclusion out of regard for the group. He/it proclaims the acceptance the salute and the love for all, he/it is our only judge.

Wake yourselves up, open the eyes and come back to the teachings authentic of the Christ and his/her/its church, a holy and apostolic.

Sincerely in the christ,

Your s.ur

Rose Ellen Caminer

CC: Archbishop Mc Carrick

Bishop Bootkoski


Letter number 4 :


Father Renato


Kearny, NJ 07032,

February 20, 2001

Dear father Renato,

You say that the community is the Christ's body. To justify you the fact of me to have put outside while telling to me that I abused the Christ's body and mentioned the holy writing "if it is your right hand that sinned, cut it, etc.. "You mix the holy writings that tell us it to rid us of what tempts us to sin with the fact that we are the Christ's members. I am a member of the Christ's body. I have not been excommunicated I didn't tempt the rest of the community has sin well that you said it. I rather invited the community has face the false beliefs and the false practices anti Christian inherent to the path.

The people that you throw out of the Mass that take place in the parish can be also members of the Christ's body, and in the reality, mistreated them to you as having resorts to the catéchèses of the path to divide the members and to instill a system of advancement and separation for initiate them. You are a parallel secret church and you mistreat the body of the christ, [that is to say the non catechized member, no initiates] while denying their rights and while also raping the obligation of the church to celebrate the eucharistie in the unit of the whole parish, in sign of the whole unit of God's people. Your catéchèses is a deliberate and forced obstacle. You also mistreat the body of the christ that is members of the path while indoctrinating them in the catéchèses of Kiko that is fatalistic and inhuman.

The catéchèses is not a natural obstacle that could justify private Mass. The natural separation is organic that is the result of the natural world in which we evolve. Therefore, the time constraints and of place (parish or group of parish), the language of the group, the jails, the invalidities (blindness or deafness), the mental development level (Mass for the children), hospitals, lieus of life, professions, all it is the natural divisions that would justify private Mass. The catéchèse has a separation added only has the people who had a detached and secret initiation.

It is different from the tendency that a lot of human had to want to live of the ascetic lives, of cloister, dedicate to the prayer and has the meditation. The religious orders of monks and nuns bring closer them, they don't exclude the other. All person who feels named can join such an order if they are ready has accept the rules of the one here. The Mass of the path is based on the assumption that the catéchèses of kiko is the departure of a spiritual path of which only initiate them (those that will have been catechized) will make part. It is by nature isolating. Every community becomes a firm place bases on a particular catéchèse in a place and one moment gives.

Emme if the catechist of the path didn't teach fatalism, the determinism and indifference to the gospels, while including the sermon on the mountain, the truth is that there is not hierarchy of spiritual advancement within the church. The gnosticism should be let in the pass of the church. Jesus christ is the only one has be advance and it calls us all as brother and s.ur in the christ. The baptism brings us to his/her/its church and to the sacraments that are universal. There is not any firm system outside of the sacraments to be happy to be a little insider.

The christ didn't create a system of caste or those of a same spiritual development level assemble together and part with those of the other levels. The path neocatechumenal is in direct opposition with the church that is one and universal. It is the unit that invalidates your subjects to say that the private Mass are justified because of the fact that the people who have not been catechized by the path us won't understand, and he will feel offenses." The Church is one and the Mass is valid for all Christian that people understand it or no. The center of the Mass is the eucharistie and the gospels, not the sharing. The fear that someone can be offense by the sharing doesn't justify the closing of the Mass to god's people that can suffer or be in the need. A simple explanation before the communion would be sufficient to warn people to feel offenses. The sharing is a value and should be encouraged. The problem it is that it is a reasoning uses in order to exclude people. The majority of the members of the path would not be really afraid to the idea to share with strangers if one didn't have them repeats awful things on the strangers, and drag at the members a certain paranoia.

The goal fundamental of the Mass including the sacrament and words of God and the unit with God's whole people is denied if the members of the church are not allowed to share it.

The Mass is not one moment of meeting or the sharing would have a place[et the success of groups as the alcoholics anonymous watch that the strangers will share most their experiences with people that they don't know.] the universality of the church invalidates your request to have Mass separated according to the level of catéchisation of people. The church is for each has every moment of our life. The fact to tell some people that they are not welcome because they don't belong has the community (they were not catechized at the same time) goes against the universality of the church. The Mass is the expression of the unit of God's people that is saved through jésus christ. It turns into an isolationist ritual in the path that divides the parishes. It is as contrary has the gospel in the Christ's love that to throw someone out of the Mass because he/it is not "one of ours" that is to say catechized in the path.

I was control of your preliminary and prudent research of the faces of the participants to detect all person non catechized in the beginning of every Mass, while stimulating this way the paranoia and the division of the path. I saw you stopping the Mass in progress so that the catechist escorts out of the Mass a non familiar person. I was also control to see the catechists throwing children of the neighborhood outside as saying "that is not our children" you say that contrary to the world you like the children and don't let of it however even to you an attends at the Mass except if he/it makes left of the path. The Christ would not throw a child outside. You tricked the bishops while parading with children around you but you didn't trick me. The christ likes the children, the widow and the orphan but me I saw you throwing some children outside.

Although it is natural and good to form small groups of prayer where people can forge personal reports the some with the other, the constraints imposed on this group by the catéchèses false of kiko annul the validity of the communities has shortcoming the repeated insistence that we can only share according to instructions of Kikos and catechists. We are encouraged to make the praise of the path and our inability has make something else that the pain. One never allowed me to speak of Jesus. One even has me prevents to make it, while asking me to say nothing about me and then while banishing me to have expressed what was for me to be Christian. The reading of the gospels opened me to his/her/its mind while making his/her/its will but it was not acceptable for the catechists that me one says that the word "must" should be removed of the language. these groups are used to thwart all authentic spiritual arguing while discouraging all inspiration of the holy mind. The sharing during the Mass has for only finality to reinforce the success of a parallel church and not to let express itself/themselves all true religious or spiritual shrewdness.

If these groups are seal and closed to the new members and hold to celebrate separately and in secret the eucharistie of the rest of the church, they rape the unit of the church then and are contrary to the gospels and to words of love. One evening, I have been threatened and have undergone of the physical violences and I have been pursued by car by the strip that had been annoyed after demand deprives some to the priest who had presided the Mass of the path to explain his/her/its remark concerning the fact that the path was persecuted by the priest of the church who had been put with the responsibilities in charge of making operate his/her/its parish, and that had found necessary to restrict the access of the members of the path has his/her/its facilities lasting the summer, because it had remark that those raped at least one of the rules of the contract that they had passed together here regularly. The priest had planned a piece for the liturgies and the other gatherings but had foreseen an eucharistie that would gather all communities Saturday evening only.

While raping this rule and while encouraging the division so much to the level of the communities between them that in relation to the rest of the parish, the path showed that it wanted to have the possibility to make of the detached Mass every time that possible.

I believe that father Gioacchino had understood the manipulation bad of the path, and how the catechists tried to manipulate it and to control it while telling him what was. uvre of god and what was not. He/it was torment I think by an interior gleam that allowed him to see that something was false in the path. One can deceive easily and can manipulate the human mind but the soul, made to god's picture, feels the truth. He/it tempted once, before the beginning of the Mass, to rise against this reality that the catechist tempted to manipulate it. "Who is the priest here"? he/it has thrown noisily. But the power of the path was too strong and it has given up to their demands. He/it took me to part, after the Mass, and told to me, before the catechists, that I could join the community that was going to form itself. I had been rejected of the 4eme community but tolerates to attend the celebrations of the path, provided that I don't share. I hoped to join the new community of the that there would be a new catéchèse.

I believe that as me, in his/her/its need to feel beloved and accepted by the group (the community) he/it had abandoned his/its critical mind to the leader in the manipulation that is the odious nature of the path.

Me also, because of my need of human contacts (community) and of my love for the Mass, the sharing and the celebration of the speech, I failed to deceive me and to accept that everything that had been made just summer and that what I said has offense, what was false, but I have achieved that you had foreseen to banish me again. The devil has me had (as he has had father Gioacchino), he tricked me. We had all 2 knowledge that what was said and makes was contrary to the gospels has the church and to the christ, but our deep need to feel us beloved and accepted by the other made us blind. I think that the torments of father Gioacchino indicate well that they are conscious that his/her/its answers would come of only god, who had made it to his/her/its picture. I think that god has me speaks and permitted me to see the torments of the father gioacchino due to his/her/its experience of the path. He/it has me watch that some priests in the path have not yet been seduced and hypnotized by the false contentment of the determinism of the path.

I know, father renato that you will always continue has begin every Mass as you always made it, while scrutinizing the look slowly around you to see those that you think that they don't belong has my parish. You come from the outside of my parish every week to make this. If you mark an individual, you alert the catechists who put it outside without yourself you didn't say a word. He/it doesn't make gone of your herd and doesn't have right therefore has the human dignity, let's let the Christian compassion and the comfort of the rating Mass.

It is this odious fruit of the path that is the paranoia that seduced you and with which to tempt you to seduce your herd while making them believe it. It is in direct opposition with the christ and the universal church. By your paranoia you spread the contempt has the church and to god's people.

You boast not to be sentimental. For you, all authentic love expression is the sentimentality; a person's acceptance that has not been catechized, compassion, the forgiveness, remorse, the justice, the mercy for those that suffer. You discern all shortcomingses and the problems of people that suffer as being the will of god and all attempt to relieve this sufferings sentimentality. You have been seduced so that you think that to exclude someone (of the Mass for example) is. uvre of love. Every time that someone in the path says that his/her/its actions are made without love, I feel the near atrocity. You have been abused by the wolf disguised in lamb: the path.

Wake yourselves up and open the eyes, and come back to the christ and has the church, a holy and Catholic.

Sincerely in the christ,

Your s.ur

Rose Ellen caminer



The contempt that the path has for the parish has been returned obvious when Mgr McGuirl (bishop of St. joan of Bow) annulled the privilege that had been you grants to celebrate Mass deprived of the path lasting the summer. Rather than to accept the shepherd's decision with humility, the members of the path have interpreter this as the proof that they were persecuted because of their Faith (as if the bishop didn't make gone of the church). Father McGuirl annulled the privilege, he didn't deprive you of your right to be going to attend the Mass of Sunday. It would have been a persecution for the faith.

You call the path signs love and unit of the parish. But, rather than to join the parish to celebrate the Mass the summer, you have preferred to rent a space in a neighboring Protestant church, to celebrate your private Mass.

One ridicules your demand regularly to be sign of love and unit in the parish whereas you function to part and in the secret, to see even in the Protestant church not to have to mingle you at the parish. I don't have the intention to offend my Protestant brothers that them at least open their doors. Your actions reflect the separation of with the church, inherent to the path.

It is funny enough to see than you you auto proclaims sign of love and unit in the parish when, in the same time you throw people out of your secret and private Mass if they are not member of the path. This hypocrisy also allows you to throw people out of the community if you cannot like them. "People don't want to come so much to the community that you will be" there. Here is what has been told us by the catechists when we excluded the community, my husband and me.

It is easy (and without significance) to be sign of love and unit when one got rid of the undesirable people. Your method to like is like more has the ethnic purification. People implied in the ethnic purification also believe that they try to have a community of love and unit, while getting rid of the people that they cannot like.

The fact that you didn't understand the irony of you autoproclamer signs love and unit, when you close your doors and hide your existence has all person non insider, when you keep your hidden celebrations and separate of the parish, show the demoniac influence that lives you.


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